Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Quick Washi Wraps

Still starting out slow trying to get back into crafting.  As I was trying to organize my supplies in my new scrap/craft space, I came across some washi tape and just had to use a little of it.

The red/green set was purchased from World Bazaar, and the notebook is a Moleskine refill, plain craft with a pocket in the back.  Still need to finish off the inside.

The pink argyle tape is from Michael's... not sure of the brand.  I wrapped my iPhone charger, and tried to spiral wrap the cord... will probably rewrap the cord, since the more it move it, the more the tape comes off.  Stickers for the name are "Caryl" font from Mrs. Grossman's.

I want to decorate a desk set, but the only problem I have is find just the right pattern and color of washi tape that I want to look at on my desk for a long time!  LOL

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

First post "without glasses"

My facebook friends know that I have, since May 27, 2013, been posting "without glasses".  Since I was in the 3rd grade, I've worn either glasses or contacts and when the opportunity to get LASIK came to me... I waited and interviewed with several doctors and took several free consultations until I found the doctor and staff that I deemed worthy to shoot lasers into my eyes.

After the procedure, all my posts on FB were "... without glasses."
For example:
...first time making spaghetti- without glasses... no lenses to fog when I drained the pasta
...first time wishing (enter name here) a happy birthday- without glasses
...first time at (enter location here)- without glasses
...first sushi- without glasses
...first glass of wine- without glasses... yup!  Still not blurry! (to which one friend replied, "you just didn't drink enough")

It got to be so basic that after a while, my friends would be post the "without glasses" for me, if I failed to mention it.  LOVE MY FRIENDS, by the way!!!

So that's basically the story behind the name of the blog.

The crafting part comes because I will (eventually) be crafting again as I did in the past and I wanted someplace to show the work and maybe a few hints in case there are "others" out there who could benefit from the time I waste doing something incorrectly... or to spin it positively, "learning and sharing".

My thanks to all the bloggers out there who share their time, talent, and treasure and give me inspiration ... if only someone will give me enough hours in the day to do all that NEEDS to be done, and still have time for what I WANT to get done.

In the meantime, I return to "real life" and to support my "craft habit" with my day job.

Stay tuned!  More to come!!